02 4210 832
ул. Гюешево 83, София
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С повече от 25 годишна история като лидер в областта на защитния софтуер, Trend Micro™ Security ви предлага:
- 50 пъти по-бързо време за защита
- Защита, която използва данни от глобалната мрежа, събирана от стотици милиони сензори за заплаха
- Защита срещу над 250 милиона заплахи на ден
Maximum Security 10
Internet Security 10
Antivirus+ Security 10
Antivirus for Mac®
Multiple Device Protection
Prevents over 250+ million daily threats from reaching you
Blocks new threats faster than other products
Improves system performance
Online storage scan of Microsoft OneDrive
Limits kids’ access to inappropriate websites
Helps manage online reputation
Controls which desktop apps kids have access to
Helps prevent identity theft by blocking phishing emails
Scans privacy settings on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn
Includes a password manager for online accounts
Includes a secure browser for safe online banking
Helps protect Android and iOS devices
Identifies data stealing apps
Finds lost or stolen devices
Backs up, restores, and shares contacts between devices
Shields against fake financial and shopping apps for Android
Fixes common PC problems and optimizes to restore your system to top speed
Extends Android battery life and optimizes device performance and memory
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